Cavalry will be forever grateful to Laura and Nico for this masterpiece. And yes, we could have perhaps instructed them to focus on more important strategic topics. Whatever. Less judging, more playing. Here’s your download:
Cavalry's Cards Against VC.pdf

The rules
- Shuffle the Black Cards and place them face down in a pile.
- Each player draws ten White Cards.
- One randomly chosen player begins as the “Card Czar” and plays a Black Card. The Card Czar reads the question or fill-in-the-blank phrase on the Black Card out loud.
- Everyone else answers the question or fills in the blank by passing one White Card, face down, to the Card Czar.
- The Card Czar shuffles all the answers and shares each card combination with the group. For full effect, the Card Czar should usually re-read the Black Card before presenting each answer.
- The Card Czar then picks a favourite, and whoever played that answer keeps the Black Card as one Awesome Point.
- After the round, a new player becomes the Card Czar and everyone draws back up to ten White Cards.
- The game ends when players decide to stop (try choosing a safe word!) or when a certain number of previously determined points is reached (e.g. ten points).
If you still have questions, reach out to Alessandra Mazzilli!
(But seriously, haven’t they taught you anything at your business school? jk. But not really.)